Are therapy sessions online or in-person?
I offer both in-person therapy (for residents of Toronto) and virtual video therapy services for Canadian residents living in Ontario, BC, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Newfoundland and Laborador, Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Nunuvut.
More information about therapy →
What information do I need when I’m reaching out for a consult?
All you need to include are 2 things: your name, your email or phone number that I can contact you at. Simply mention that you’re looking for a therapy consult, and we’ll go from there!
Feel free to write me an email at amychentherapy@gmail.com, or call me at (647) 853-7157.
More information on what happens after you reach out →
What if I can't afford your rate?
Don't let my rate discourage you from contacting me! I've found that more often than not I'm able to come up with an acceptable arrangement with most people.
Even when this isn’t the case, I've been able to refer folks to therapists who may be able to accommodate your financial situation.
What if I don’t know what to talk about?
This is totally understandable, and it can feel like a lot of pressure to know what you “should” talk about in therapy. In therapy with me, we can talk about anything that’s been on your mind!
My job is to track the themes and listen for patterns of dynamics that might be more interesting to explore further, and your job is to bring in things to talk about. Don’t worry about talking about things that don’t feel "worth talking about" in therapy- therapy can be about whatever you would like from this process.
How long can I expect to come to therapy?
There is no definitive answer to this question. I usually find that folks need to come for more than a session or two to see any real change. But for some people, a few sessions are enough, whereas others choose to continue for a longer term (over 20 sessions).
Often folks choose to continue to work with me through additional challenges as they arise in their life, while others choose to address them outside of the therapy. There isn’t one correct answer, but we can collaborate together on helping you make the ultimate decision for yourself.
Why can't you bill my insurance?
On insurance panels, I found that all too often my clients were still finding the full bill landing in their laps after I would properly complete the insurance paperwork.
Given the unpredictability of insurance coverage, I've chosen to charge out of pocket to avoid any surprise bills in your inbox. This also allows me to offer more individualized care to each of my clients.
Let’s Talk!
Book a free 15-minute phone call with me.