Private Practice Therapist Meet-Ups

Hi! I’m Amy Chen, RP (Qualifying), and in my first year of practice I’ve at times felt really lonely and isolated in running a solo practice! I’ve had this idea for some time of starting some sort of therapist meet-up where private practice therapists can connect, share how you’re doing and make authentic connections with other therapists.

My hope is to host bi-monthly in-person events for therapists to connect around the GTA (starting with downtown Toronto, given that’s where I am.)

This is NOT a supervision group or a peer consultation group, and will be free to attend!!! (unless there is cost associated with the activity we’re doing- ex. a pottery class)

The aim of these meet-ups are not meant to be professional, but mostly social in nature! Obviously if professional and cross-referral relationships happen, that’s amazing. I want to stress that this isn’t supposed to be some structured networking event where there’s pressure to impress anyone! Our line of work can be so unique and isolating, so my idea for this is really just to create a supportive space to connect with other therapists who are in the same boat of juggling being a therapist and a business owner!

If you’re also interested in meeting up with other private practice therapists around the GTA, please fill out this survey! Filling this out does not in any way obligate you to attend- this is just to help me get a sense of who is interested and what times might work for folks!

If you have any other feedback you’d like to share with me personally, feel free to email me at